The Naevus study An NIHR-funded prospective study looking at 'virtual clinics' for choroidal naevi

Choroidal naevi are very common, usually innocuous lesions often found on routine optometrist sight tests. It is estimated that approximately 6% of Caucasians will have a choroidal naevus. On the contrary, choroidal melanoma is a rare potentially vision and life-threatening ocular lesion, manifesting in approximately six in one million.

The issue of managing choroidal nevi is not a trivial one. The Naevus study was the first prospective implementation science project funded by the NIHR to demonstrate safety, cost-effectivenss and patient acceptability of a digital model of care based on a remote review of ocular imaging (colour fundus images, autofluorescence and OCT) by human experts at the Moorfields reading centre. Management decisions for people with choroidal naevi could be safely made based on assessment of ocular images.